One Writer’s Wonderful Week (As Viral As I’ll Ever Be)

This past Thanksgiving week decided to bring me more reason than usual to be thankful.  In addition to a delicious Thanksgiving meal and a wonderful visit with my brother’s family I also experienced my highest week of traffic since starting my blog in September.  As I told my husband, “I’ve gone as viral as I’m ever likely to go!” (Well, unless I do something incredibly stupid that winds up being recorded and rockets me to instant YouTube fame.  The odds are good so stay tuned…)

I had two more views just seconds after this screen shot, sending my best views in a single day to 557!

I had two more views just seconds after this screen shot, sending my best views in a single day to 557!

Last Tuesday I posted my observations on the police officers that I know.  My intention with that post was not to make a political statement, but rather to remind people that these officers deserve our appreciation for all of the good that they do.  The response to the post was nothing short of overwhelming for this writer.  They say that timing is everything, and in this case I do believe that I posted the right subject matter at a relevant moment.  The result was a huge spike in my blog traffic.  I had my best ever views day on Wednesday with 557.  As of today the post itself has been viewed 987 times, and my total page views have jumped from just shy of 2,500 to over 3,800.  The most surprising part to me was watching as the link to my post was shared 63 times on Facebook!  I do know that it was shared by police officers and their families, friends, and friends of friends all across the country.  Due to privacy settings I cannot see everyone who shared it, but please know that you have my gratitude.

Adding to the excitement, my post was published as an article in Shield Magazine, an online national magazine published by Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. If you are not familiar with them, Wives Behind the Badge, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources and emotional support to law enforcement families, and to serving as a positive voice for law enforcement in the community. The magazine can be viewed here, and my article is on pages 14-15.  I can now say those wondrous and wonderful words that most writers live for, “I am published!”

My gratitude is far-reaching.  I thank the people who for years have been telling me to WRITE!  I thank the police officers who provided the inspiration.  I thank the friends and family members who encourage and motivate me to go where I am led.  I thank the blogging community, and the special subset within it who read every post (no matter how bad) and leave their comments and feedback.  I thank you for reading this right now.

I know that soon enough I must come down from this writer’s high and work on my next piece or project…but not just yet.  I’m going to ride this wave to its crest!  Cheers, Karen

29 thoughts on “One Writer’s Wonderful Week (As Viral As I’ll Ever Be)

  1. I’m so excited for you!! Congrats on getting so many views! I’m so glad your post got popular, because it really was so good. Something that many people should see 🙂 And congrats on being published!!!


  2. It was a great post, so your success (fame?) is well-deserved! Congrats 🙂
    Sometimes I hate about dramatic spikes like that cuz it makes my usual views seem so minuscule when it changes the bar graph’s proportions!


  3. Congratulations Karen, I am so pleased for you. That article regarding the police officers you know was so very touching, and I think it resonated with so many people. You deserve the success that article brought you, and you are a really talented writer. I look forward to, and enjoy your articles. Keep up the good work. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I’ve been having a read over at your blog. I love the post about your six-hour lunch trip to NYC. We have a bit further to travel, but we just spent a fabulous and frenetic five days there first week of November. I’m from Northern NJ originally, and the city used to be within quick access. I often say I’d love to live in the city with the ability to escape to the country…


  4. So exciting for you, Karen — your piece was both eloquent and heartfelt, so I’m not surprised that it has touched many readers. I’m not sure what is more exciting, the knowledge that you will be published or the knowledge that so many people wanted to share your post with friends. 🙂


  5. Congrats to YOU!! As writers we never know when something will resonate with readers and that blog REALLY did. It was an amazing article and true how police officers sacrifice everything for the public. It was bold and timely for you to post that when you did and you reaped the viral rewards!!!


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