
Hello and welcome! I am thrilled you have found your way here! I am a reformed insurance professional, a certified personal trainer, and a freelance writer. I am a law enforcement wife, mom to two shelter cats (Maris & Mickey), a fitness enthusiast with a bad habit of binge-snacking, sports nut, craft beer aficionado, lover of all things 80s, and general purveyor of good vibes. Ten years ago I took on a personal journey to change my own outlook from negative to positive.  I now describe myself as a reformed pessimist turned realistic optimist, and I want to pay the good feelings forward. I believe in “filling up the glass”- taking control of your own attitude and creating your own joy. I intend to write about a variety of topics depending on where my thoughts take me on any given day. I hope to offer motivation, encouragement, perhaps a moment or two of clarity, and with any luck the occasional laugh. Here’s to filling your own glass…Cheers! Karen


This is me!


©Fill Your Own Glass, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, & 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Karen B. Pearce and Fill Your Own Glass with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Sharing is encouraged and appreciate with credit given. Commercial use and distribution of the contents of the website is not allowed without express and prior written consent of the author.

103 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello! Just retraced your breadcrumbs back to all of this awesomeness! Yeah, too much Hansel and Gretel, as a kid. But thanks for following my blog so I can do the same. I know I’m gonna like it here. Doesn’t matter how full the glass is, I manage to spill it all over myself. Is that pessimistic or realistic? hmmmm…..thank you again!


  2. Though I am decades younger than you are, I can say that I could relate to you as an optimist. I was once a pessimist, by the way, until a teacher changed my gloomy perspectives, blotting them all like a beacon of light — changing my attitudes, and my life in general. Nice little bio! ❤ Keep putting light in your pen.


  3. This is actually a different “Sandi”–I will have check out the Sandi who posted above–but I love your blog’s title and philosophy (spoken as one who tends to see the glass half-empty).

    Is that Brookgreen Gardens in your header image? We have visited there on vacation. I love that place when the weather is just right.


  4. It is indeed Brookgreen Gardens! I am fortunate to live quite close by and can visit several times per year. I’ll be going this weekend for their fall festival. it’s a serenity place for me. 🙂
    I like to call myself a “reformed pessimist” as I’ve worked hard to change my outlook…still working on it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You went and done it. You went and followed Uncle Bardie’s Stories & Such. You are now one of Uncle Bardie’s Band of Merry Followers. Just so you know, Uncle Bardie’s a hoot, and he’s got quite a few whoppers in his bag of stories. Some funny, some not so funny. But all told for your entertainment. Thank you for following his blog.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Just check in twice a week, Sundays and Wednesdays, and you just never know what might be posted. In the past, it has been historical pieces such as a fictional letter to President Washington, the true history of zombies in America (think Dead Letter Office), the real dope on Mylie Cyrus’ twerking (hint: she is working for the CIA), tips on cowtipping and a piece about Uncle Baride’s School of Celebritology. All mixed with an extra helping of storyology. And all for your entertainment.


  6. I liked the Idea of “realistic optimist”,
    something that I do depend on sometimes !!
    Hello Karen,
    Your bio talked a lot,
    and I am happy to be here ..!!
    Stay blessed and
    see you around !!


    • I am a bit envious of people who don’t have to work on it. I am constantly learning and re-training my mind to not look for the negative. Gratitude is a huge factor in my having success at it, too. Thanks so much for visiting! Best, Karen

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Blog Housekeeping | Strong Enough to Break

  8. Pingback: Aspire to Inspire - Guest Blog: Karen Pearce

  9. A description of a few words… works perfectly! And super good on you to change from the pessimistic side to the optimistic one, all challenges included! There’s much fun there!

    Cheers! and happy filling!
    everlasting optimistic 😀


  10. Hi Karen from Australia. So glad I have found your blog, feeling already like we have so much in common. Love your attitude to life, your adventurous spirit and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers.


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