Compromise and Commitment

The winds of change have done their thing once again, sweeping in to propel me in a new direction.  This is my second week back in the working world after a nine month hiatus.  It is an exciting time, but it brings with it the return of the need to maintain proper balance.

The interlude between jobs gave me time to travel with my husband, to connect with friends, and to simply relax.  It allowed me to decompress and to reevaluate my priorities.  It granted me the time to jumpstart the writing that was the missing puzzle piece in my life.  It was a gift.

I must admit that a part of me did not want to return to work.  Another part, however, felt the pull to be back in the workforce and to feel the satisfaction of being productive and meeting goals.  Would I be able to go back to work without giving up the things that had become so important to me?

There are times when we must accept that we need to give up one thing in order to get another, and these times call for compromise.  I could have stayed unemployed for the foreseeable future, but my husband is more comfortable with a second income coming in.  We wanted to expand our travels, and to do so would require a dual-income household.  I craved the rush that comes from contributing to a company’s success, but I did not want to run headlong back into the stress that is an inherent part of my profession.

I had to come up with a compromise that I could live with.  I was not interested in returning to the 40-hour work week (that more often than not turned into the 50-hour plus work week).  I began to search for a part-time position, and I was presented with an opportunity that I could not pass up.  I was hired by a company that places true value on a work/ life balance.  I knew it was a good sign that they did not want their employees working from home after hours or on weekends.

I am now working three days per week.  This allows me to enjoy the fellowship of the office environment while leaving ample time to pursue my other passions.  It feels great to be a part of a team working to exceed production goals.  It also feels great to have a shortened workweek.  It is a compromise I can happily live with.

The new job brings with it a new commitment.  I am dedicated to being a valuable asset to my employers and my co-workers.  In accepting the position I have made a promise to them that I will be a diligent and devoted member of their team.

As I am committed to my job, so must I remain committed to maintaining the promises I have made to myself.  I have vowed to keep up with improving my health by sticking to a six days per week workout schedule, getting enough sleep, and traveling.  I pledge to make my marriage and our joint happiness my number one priority.  I am dedicated to finding an appropriate and manageable balance between work and non work time.

Life is a series of compromises and commitments.  Make sure your compromises do not add up to sacrifices made without return.  Keep your commitments to yourself in the same way that you keep your commitments to others.  Honor the promises that you make to you.

Have you been successful in making compromises?  What commitments are you unwilling to break?  Do you keep promises to yourself?  As always, I welcome and appreciate your comments and feedback!

Don’t forget to “like” Fill Your Own Glass on Facebook!  You can find me here!  Let me know if you have a Facebook page for your blog, and I will reciprocate!

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41 thoughts on “Compromise and Commitment

  1. Wow, good to know that you found a job according to your interest which helps you maintain work life balance. This has become important these days owing to the fact that we can only be productive if our heart and mind work in the same direction. If there us a conflict in either then we produce no results. Best wishes for your travels 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A number of years ago, I made a career change, based on exactly the things you are talking about. My family was young & it was important to me to be available to my children. It is a decision I never regretted, one that gave me flexibility & a work environment where family was valued.

    Congratulations on the new job!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Luckily I am familiar with this company, and I do know that they practice what they preach. Why can’t all employers understand that overworking people and detracting from their home life actually decreases drive and productivity? Sigh…


  3. Congrats on finding a job that meets your balance requirement. I once turned down a promotion that required 13 more hours a week than I was presently working at the time (and I was working 55). I never regretted it. I’m very content now between 40-45.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think that if people stopped to calculate what they are being paid for a forty-hour week versus the actual amount they are being paid if they factor in all of the extra hours it may surprise them (and not in a good way). Kudos to you for limiting yourself to a standard workweek!

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  4. I hope you do get to travel more in the future. The promise of future fulfilling experiences that, unfortunately, require hard cash (such as air fares), is one of the only reasons I can see for making the compromise of work. It seems as if you have a very positive attitude, however, and are even finding pleasure in the (to me) unpleasant and outmoded office environment. (I swear “going to the office” will become an anachronism within our lifetimes). The job and the flexible set up certainly sounds like one of the finest bargains you’ll ever make. Congratulations, and hope the writing continues at a pace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • For me I found that not being in the office was a missing link. I enjoy a casual camaraderie with my co-workers. Of course, I have not been there long enough to witness the inevitable drama that being with 40+ persons brings to the table. 😉 If I must work it is an acceptable position. My promise to myself is that I will not allow the writing to fall by the wayside. I also want to make sure that I am setting aside time to continue reading the blogs I follow. The interaction here on WordPress is not something I am willing to forego. 🙂


  5. Your next to the last paragraph in your post is the best advice anyone of us can give you, and you already understand it. Follow your own advice and best of luck on the balancing act..


  6. I completely understand this type of experience. Balancing work, family, and passions is an act that can often pull your heart in different directions. I loved when I worked part time and had the option to go in more days of the week or not. It allows the creative part of your soul to still feel open and appreciated while collaborating with others on mutual goals. Cheers to your new position! Best wishes, love reading your posts! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! I do have the option of working an extra day per week as my workload warrants, and I am happy with that arrangement. I doubt we can ever achieve the perfect balance we seek, but we can keep things from getting too skewed in one direction. 🙂

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  7. I’m catching up on posts I missed while I was off having my big adventure. Congratulations on your new endeavor. I am sure you will bring your high energy and enthusiasm to your position. I hope you are able to maintain your balance and make the time for what you enjoy. I have also committed to traveling more frequently. The trick is finding the balance, as you say.

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  8. Hi Karen,

    Congratulations on your new job!

    Balance is the key in all we do, When we make it our priority it’s a win/win for everyone. Our commitments to ourselves are often overlooked so I’m glad to hear you understand how important it is.

    Reading this wonderfully post reminds me that life is to be lived and enjoyed no matter if you’re working or not.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Vernon,
      It’s so nice to see you! Thank you for visiting and dropping off some of your awesome positivity. Considering how much time many people spend at their job I think that they must put some serious thought into how happy or unhappy it makes them. And to remember, as you said, to find enjoyment regardless of where we are!
      Karen 🙂

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