When Two Words Are Not Enough


What a wonderful way to start a Monday!  I woke up to have WordPress inform me that I have achieved a milestone with 500 followers (friends)!  I may or may not be doing a little happy dance with my coffee this morning.  (Okay, I am!)  How can I say “thank you” and convey the emotion that goes along with the words?

Thank you, my dear readers and friends, for being a part of this incredible journey.  I appreciate every one of you who has taken the time to visit my little corner of the world.  From the bottom of my heart…and my coffee cup…I thank you!


72 thoughts on “When Two Words Are Not Enough

    • Thank you! I wonder sometimes if it is harder to get people to subscribe to your blog when you are not on the WordPress platform or when you self-host? I know you recently posted that you had over 15,000 views in a month – you are doing something very right! Are you able to visit the Community Pool on WordPress on Mondays? I find that to be an awesome place to interact with other bloggers.


      • I’ve never heard of the Community Pool. I will certainly check it out. I did get 15,000 views in a month but a majority of those were from one post that was featured on The Nester (crazy beginner’s luck). Now I’m back to reality of just over 1,000 per week. I have noticed that I’m getting more followers on Instagram and Pinterest which is encouraging. Thanks for the great information.


    • Thank you! I know that you posted a while back about your blogging goals for each year, and I set my first ones after reading that post. I hit the 500 followers, now on to 10,000 views! I appreciate your being a part of my wonderful community! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • AHH I’m so glad I inspired you to set goals! I currently don’t really have goals (but a lot of plans and ideas which I suppose are goal-ish) and I feel a bit lost. But I just can’t think of anything particular that I want to accomplish, you know? Besides the ever-present have people read, enjoy, and engage with my writing and photography.


  1. I think you might have more than that? When I view your blog in says (in the top right):-
    “You are following this blog, along with 1,148 other amazing people”

    Anyway, numbers aside, you have a GREAT blog!


    • Thank you so much! I am not too great with the stats, but the 500 is WordPress followers. The bigger number adds in the Facebook page and Twitter account linked to Fill Your Own Glass. Where the email only subscribers get counted is a mystery to me…


    • Michele, I still don’t understand how that is happening. I know that I follow you by email, but I don’t show up in the box for Networked Blogs (I do see 6 there, not 3). I think the problem may be that to Follow there you have to link up through your Facebook account, and people may not be willing to do that. Do you have any other options for ways people can follow?


  2. This is great news Karen. Congratulations, you worked very hard to achieve this milestone. Always writing well thought out inspiring posts. You are blogger friendly, by visiting others blogs, and leaving positive, encouraging comments. You promptly reply to any comments left on your posts.
    The thank you is from me to you. It is honour to be a follower, 1000 is just around the corner! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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